Make-a-Wish foundation is condemned for refusing to grant unvaccinated children any requests involving flights or large groups - even though COVID shots are only available to kids over 12
Make-a-Wish foundation bosses have been blasted for refusing to offer wishes involving flights or large gatherings to unvaccinated children - even though youngsters under 12 aren't yet eligible to receive COVID vaccines. Richard Davis, CEO and president of Make-a-Wish, said in a video message on Thursday that wishes involving air travel and large gatherings will resume on September 15 for those who are two weeks past full vaccination. Davis said his team had made their decision after consulting with doctors and medical professionals in National Medical Advisory Council as well as heeding advice from the CDC and the American Academy of Pediatrics. 'We've approached this responsibility with a focus and diligence for your family's health and safety,' Davis said. 'Make-a-Wish will resume granting air travel wishes within the United States and its territories as well as granting wishes involving large gatherings for vaccinated wish families as soon as Septemb...